Why am I not asked for approval each time my portfolio is rebalanced?

At Vinovest, we’re committed to crafting the perfect investment strategy tailored to each client’s goals. A key part of that strategy is active management, where we handle the intricacies of your portfolio to ensure it performs at its best.

When you enroll in a managed account with Vinovest, you consent to all rebalancing decisions being made on a non-discretionary basis. This means we won’t seek your approval for every transaction—and for good reason. Many rebalancing opportunities are time-sensitive. For example, if we receive a rebalance trigger on a Friday but need to wait until after the weekend for your response, the chance to act might already be gone.

This approach empowers us to move swiftly in response to market changes while also considering long- and short-term tax implications. By acting quickly and strategically, we can optimize your portfolio’s performance and ensure it remains aligned with your long-term investment goals.